Dr. Amir Azarpazhooh | Toronto Endodontist

Dr. Amir Azarpazhooh, D.D.S., M.SC., F.R.C.D. (C) (DPH), CERT. ENDO., PhD, F.R.C.D. (C) (ENDO)
Dr. Amir Azarpazhooh (pronounced as Azar pa joo) received his undergraduate dentistry training in Iran (2001), and his specialty training in Canada at the University of Toronto (UofT) in Dental Public Health (2007) and Endodontics (2010), followed by his PhD in 2011.
Dr. Azarpazhooh is a University of Toronto full-time tenured Full Professor in Dentistry with teaching and research responsibilities in both specialty training programs of Endodontics and Dental Public Health. He is also A Professor in Clinical Epidemiology Program at the Institute of Health Policy, Management and Evaluation of Dalla Lana School of Public Health, and an investigator with the Toronto Health Economics and Technology Assessment Collaborative. He is the Head of both Divisions of Endodontics and Research and Director of Advanced Training Program in Orofacial Pain, Department of Dentistry, Mount Sinai Hospital, Toronto.
Currently, his attributed grants and awards total approximately CAD $1.5M and these have enabled him to manage a strong group of graduate students over the years. To date, he was the supervisor of more than 45 graduate students in their MSc and PhD training. He has been an editor of a textbook on evidence-based dentistry (published by the American Dental Association), has published seven book chapters, and more than 300 papers, abstracts and reports and has presented at over 90 national and international scientific meetings. With an H-index of 36 and an I10-index of 75, his work has been cited almost 5000 times. He has been awarded nationally and internationally, by the Cochrane Canada, the Canadian Academy of Endodontics, the American Association of Endodontists, the Association of Canadian Faculties of Dentistry WW Wood Award for Excellence in Dental Education, and Journal of Endodontics Publication Awards for the year 2020 and 2021. He is an Associate Editor of the Journal of Endodontics responsible for handling more than 100 submitted manuscripts per year.
Dr. Azarpazhooh is a practicing endodontist, with part-time private practice in Toronto as well as a hospital practice in Mount Sinai Hospital providing endodontic care to patients when their medical, physical or mental status indicates the need for a hospital environment. Despite his heavy load of teaching, research and clinical practice, out of the office he enjoys life with his wife, travelling, cycling, photography, and gardening.