North York Endodontic Microsurgery
Endodontic Microsurgery is sometimes the best solution for an infected already-treated root canal. Microsurgery has made faster procedures, quicker healing and more accurate/positive results to be possible. The most common endodontic microsurgery is the root-end resection, also known as apicoectomy.
Endodontic Surgery
Apicoectomy is performed when the infection is persisting in the bony area around your tooth’s root. Dr. Azarpazhooh will micro-surgically remove the infection without touching your tooth’s surface. He will create a small incision near your gum line to again access to the bone tissues and the infected area. The infected tissues, along with the tip of the root, are removed and a small filling is placed to seal the end of the root canal. The gum tissue is finally sutured back in place to help the area heal properly. With time, bone tissue will grow again around the end of the root, demonstrating a healthy and normal jaw structure again.
After your endodontic microsurgery, you will be scheduled for a follow-up appointment with Dr. Azarpazhooh to remove the sutures and evaluate the healing process. Normally, you will be able to return to your normal daily routine the following day. However, each case is different and Dr. Azarpazhooh will be ready to answer all your case-specific questions in more details.