Prosthodontics Smile Gallery
(All photographs courtesy of Dr. Morley Rubinoff)

Case One: Correct Crowding and Single Crowns

Case Two: Trauma Injury with Single Crowns

Case Three: Aesthetic Upper Front Crowns

Case Four: Trauma Injury with Implants and Crowns

Case Five: Implants & Fixed Implant Retained Crowns

Case Six: “All Ceramic Single Crowns”

Case Seven: Redo of All Upper Front Teeth with New Crowns

Case Eight: Redo of All Upper Crowns.

Case Nine: Fabrication of a Porcelain Fused to Metal Bridge.

Case Ten: Fabrication of Four Upper Anterior Porcelain Veneers.

Case Eleven: Removal of Upper Teeth and Fabrication of a Fixed Implant Retained Bridge.

Case Twelve: Implant and Natural Tooth Crowns in Upper Mouth

Case Thirteen: Redo with Porcelain Fused to Metal Crowns.

Case Fourteen: Porcelain Veneers Placed on Discolored Enamel Surfaces

Case Fifteen: Implants in upper, Veneers in lower

Case Sixteen: Replacing unaesthetic bridgework